Our language courses

Our range of business language courses endeavours to make our students' work easier, whether that be in the insurance sector or in the retail trade. People are more confident when they possess good language skills which reduces the necessity of handing over tasks due to a language barrier. Would you also like to communicate better orally and / or in writing with business relations? Choose one of our tailor-made language courses.

Taaltraining Engels

Learn English

English is THE international language of business, improving your skills can make the difference.

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Taaltraining Duits

Learn German

Don’t let the language barrier keep you from successfully doing business with German-speaking customers.

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Taaltraining Frans

Learn French

Start the conversation with confidence: Oui, je parle Français!

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Taaltraining Nederlands

Learn Dutch

Learn Dutch from scratch or improve your language skills and get an insight into the Dutch culture.

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Overige talen binnen en buiten Europa

Other languages

Learn any other language at any level.

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